Friday, August 18, 2006

VS.Net 2003 to 2005 Web Project Conversion Problems

This one is a bit obscure, and the solution may be a bit obvious, but it might just turn up in Google and save someone a couple hours of detective work.

So . . . while attempting to load a VS.Net 2003 web project into VS.Net 2005, I was continually blocked by this error:

"The project file must be opened in the Visual Studio IDE and converted to the latest version before it can be built by MSBuild"

Hmm . . . I thought I just did open it in the IDE.

Our next strategy was to create a new 2005 web project and import all the files from the previous project.

Oddly, there was no option available to create a new web project. It turns out that the previous owner of my dev environment had never installed the Visual Web Developer feature.

Once that feature was installed it ripped right into the conversion.

File Under: Technology,


  1. Conversion Issue from VS.NET 2002 to VS.NET 2005.
    All the classes are converted to partial
    and in the user controls
    the shared property has following error.
    "Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference".

  2. Conversion Problem from VS.NET2002
    to VS.NET2005
    All the classes are converted to partial
    and in the user controls
    the shared property has following error.
    "Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference".

  3. "This one is a bit obscure, and the solution may be a bit obvious, but it might just turn up in Google and save someone a couple hours of detective work."

    It just did. Thank you VERY, VERY much!
